Inclusive Interior Design Services

Creating beautiful, inclusive interior spaces that embrace all of your sensory, health, and accessibility requirements.

Leeds | york | Harrogate

Your Space, Your Style: Interior Design Tailored to Your Needs…

When your home falls short of meeting your needs it can feel like a weight on your shoulders.

Instead of walking through the door and feeling instantly relaxed, you might be greeted by chaos, clutter and sensory overload.

This is where I come in. 

I believe that interior design goes way beyond making things look good and Nest and Flourish Interiors is centred around the impact our surroundings have upon us and the transformative power of interior design to improve our lives and make us feel good.

I am dedicated to creating spaces that not only function beautifully, but also embrace your individuality and accommodate your health, wellbeing and accessibility requirements.

Interior design Services

  • Design Consultation

    You need ideas and guidance to help you to make design decisions? Spend 90 minutes or a half day with me to explore design ideas for your home. Colours, lighting, layouts…how we use the time is up to you!

  • Bespoke interior design

    You need help to completely redesign your room considering every last detail. Including space and layout planning, colours, flooring, lighting, furniture and accessories.

  • Online Interior Design

    You need help to completely redesign your room but you aren’t local to Leeds, York or Harrogate. We can work together remotely, with your design package completed and delivered entirely online.

  • Specialist Inclusive Design Packages

    You require a specialist inclusive interior design service because you experience the world a little differently and face additional challenges that require consideration when designing your home.

My story…

I’m Kim Heslip, founder of Nest and Flourish Interiors, and I design holistic and calming spaces that have a positive impact on our health and wellbeing. 

Why? Following a 20 year career in nursing, and experiencing first-hand the life-changing impact our home renovations had on my entire family, I became fascinated by the influence our surroundings have upon us.

I retrained in interior design at the National Design Academy and combined a lifelong passion for interior design with my nursing knowledge and expertise.

Now I help people to maximise the potential of their homes and enhance their lives at the same time with the aim of making the world of interior design more accessible and inclusive.